Children's Programs

The Book or the Movie?
All of the kid's books listed here have been made into movies, series or shows on various streaming services. Read the book. See the movie. Which one was better?
Utah Children's Authors
Did you know that Utah has an unusually high number of children's authors and illustrators? Lucky us! Here are several of our favorites. All of the authors included lived in Utah at some point--one of them even did the artwork for our library cards. Any guesses? We couldn't possibly list every title by every author and illustrator, so be sure to look in our catalog for more works by those you enjoy. Hooray for creativity in Utah!
All Kinds of Award Winning Books
So many award stickers on these books! Newberys, Caldecotts, Sibert Medals, Pura Bel Pre Winners, Geisels and National Book Awards--you'll find a little bit of everything from picture books and easy readers to kid's non-fiction, middle grade, and graphic novels. And these are only a handful. Enjoy!