Children's Programs Banner
Library Valentine's Party Library Valentine's Day Party
Kid's Crafts, Short Film, Treats, Valentine's -- For all ages
Story Time Story Time
Primarily for children age 4-7. Picture Books, Songs, Puppets and a simple craft. Siblings always welcomed!
Library Play Time Library Play Time
For children age 0-5 and their caregivers. Open play time to imagine, create and play. Drop in for a few minutes or stay the whole time.
Library Rhyme Time Library Rhyme Time
Primarily for children age 3 months-3 years but any age can join. Songs, rhymes, wiggles and giggles for busy babies and toddlers.
R.E.A.D. with Pippi R.E.A.D. with Pippi
R.E.A.D. is a literacy program that uses therapy animals to help kids improve their reading and to love books and reading. A reading appointment is required. Email Kirsten to reserve a 20 minute session at your library branch.
  • Coalville - 1st Mondays
  • Kamas Valley - 2nd Fridays
  • Kimball Jct. - 1st and 3rd Fridays
I Survived Book Club I Survived Book Club
For kids who can't get enough of the I Survived book series age 9-11. Read the book ahead of time then come ready for book discussion, STEM activities and survival snacks. Registration required.
Flashlight Reader's Book Club Parent/Child Flashlight Reader's Book Club
For 4th, 5th and 6th grade readers and a grown-up of their choice. Both read the book in advance of the meeting and then join all of us for a lively discussion and bookish snacks.
Whiz Kids Junior Book Club Whiz Kids Junior Book Club
For 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade readers. Everyone reads the monthly book ahead of time and then joins in for all kinds of early chapter book fun—activities, games and yummy snacks. Registration is required.
Afternoon Explorers Afternoon Explorers at Coalville
Afterschool Explorers is for adventurous kids in Kindergarten thru 5th grade. On the first Thursday of each month at 4 pm, we will offer a fun STEAM activity plus laughs! Registration required by calling 435-336-3070.
Chinese Characters, Songs and Stories Chinese Characters, Songs & Stories
Kids will have all kinds of fun learning about Chinese culture — characters, songs, and stories — in Mandarin Chinese! For elementary school age children. Meeting location varies.
Homeschool Hub Homeschool Hub
Our Homeschool Hub is for homeschooling families, with children of all ages, to socialize, create, network and play. Every Monday morning from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Kimball Junction Branch Library, in the Richins Auditorium.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
The concept is simple; the rewards are priceless. Join our reading challenge today!

Utah Children's Authors

Did you know that Utah has an unusually high number of children's authors and illustrators? Lucky us! Here are several of our favorites. All of the authors included lived in Utah at some point--one of them even did the artwork for our library cards. Any guesses? We couldn't possibly list every title by every author and illustrator, so be sure to look in our catalog for more works by those you enjoy. Hooray for creativity in Utah!

All Kinds of Award Winning Books

So many award stickers on these books! Newberys, Caldecotts, Sibert Medals, Pura Bel Pre Winners, Geisels and National Book Awards--you'll find a little bit of everything from picture books and easy readers to kid's non-fiction, middle grade, and graphic novels. And these are only a handful. Enjoy!